Today I'm going to tell you about postgraduate studies I'd like to take. First, I would like to study and finish my carrear in public administration, and then take a postgraduate in the financial area or economy. I would like to study subjects such as economics and finance because an administrator in the current demands must have knowledge of these areas, my opinion is that specializing in the financial area is very positive for a future administrator, since he can manage problems related to the resources of an institution and thus the function of administrator is more comprehensive.
I would like to study this postgraduate degree in Chile, but if there is an option to continue specializing my knowledge abroad better still. The system that best suits me is semi-presential, as I plan to start working immediately after graduating from the race, so my time will be an obstacle.
But really these plans are for my future, what will really happen in my future I do not know yet, I hope to graduate and only then will I rationally think the advantages of continuing to study immediately or wait a while, because being a professional
for me it will mean becoming independent from my home, so my responsibilities will increase a lot, and I will have to pay myself all my expenses.
I hope you like my plans for the future,
I think of how difficult it is to be an adult with many duties, but we can't do anything about it, it's the law of life.
Goodbye my friends

You are so chemical!But it's oK. The picture reflects a lot of things.
ResponderEliminarWow for me the financial area seems very difficult